Idéal Investisseur
Idéal Investisseur
Annonce Louv

Stocks & cryptocurrencies

Arkema stocks: is it the right time to invest?

Arkema stocks: is it the right time to invest?

The company produces chemical compounds for numerous industries. Analysts are positive in the short term, but more neutral in the long term.

What to think of Michelin stock in the long term? Should we invest? Our insight.

What to think of Michelin stock in the long term? Should we invest? Our insight.

What to think about Michelin's stock in the long term? Is it worth investing? Our insight.

Success Story: how Warren Buffett conquered Wall Street

Success Story: how Warren Buffett conquered Wall Street

Who is truly the one nicknamed the Oracle of Omaha, often seen with a Coca-Cola in hand and a mischievous smile on his lips?

Sustainable investing: here's how to use ESG ratings

Sustainable investing: here's how to use ESG ratings

Investing sustainably or ethically is not that simple! Here's how to leverage ESG ratings to make investment choices in line with your values.

Bond Funds: An Investment Back in Favor Again

Bond Funds: An Investment Back in Favor Again

With the increase in rates, bond funds have regained appeal in the investment scene, offering individuals an interesting avenue.

Trading: How the

Trading: How the "gamification" of platforms can work against you

Virtual trophies and copy-trading seem to push amateur traders to take more risks, according to a study.

Swap in Finance: Functioning and Benefits

Swap in Finance: Functioning and Benefits

Swaps are financial derivative products commonly used to hedge positions considered risky.

OST: What to do during a Stock Market Securities Transaction?

OST: What to do during a Stock Market Securities Transaction?

Stock traders sometimes receive a notice of OST, otherwise known as a securities transaction. Sometimes, a decision even needs to be made. What to do?

Return on Capital Employed (ROCE): The Ratio for Profitable Investing

Return on Capital Employed (ROCE): The Ratio for Profitable Investing

ROCE allows to identify if a target company uses the money at its disposal efficiently. It evaluates profitability potential.

OAT (fungible Treasury bonds): The Benchmark Rate for Investors

OAT (fungible Treasury bonds): The Benchmark Rate for Investors

Representing the loans of the French State, the 10-year OAT rate serves as a reference in many financial sectors. Here is why.

Price/Earnings Ratio (P/E): Definition, Calculation, Interpretation

Price/Earnings Ratio (P/E): Definition, Calculation, Interpretation

The P/ER corresponds to the number of years it would take to fully repay the investment amount through a stock's dividends.

High Yield (HY) Bonds: High Returns, High Risk

High Yield (HY) Bonds: High Returns, High Risk

These financial securities represent the debt of a company with low solvency to investors. The risk of default and the interest rate are high.

FOMO: The pitfalls of investing too swiftly

FOMO: The pitfalls of investing too swiftly

In the realm of investment, the fear of "missing a great opportunity" can have catastrophic consequences. Here's why.

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